
Télécharger Obsessive Love: When It Hurts Too Much to Let Go Livre PDF Gratuit


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Obsessive Love: When It Hurts Too Much to Let Go - de Susan Forward, Craig Buck (Author)

Caractéristiques Obsessive Love: When It Hurts Too Much to Let Go

Les données suivantes répertorie les caractéristiques utiles du Obsessive Love: When It Hurts Too Much to Let Go

Le Titre Du FichierObsessive Love: When It Hurts Too Much to Let Go
Date de publication2002-01-02
TraducteurThando Carola
Numéro de Pages459 Pages
La taille du fichier44.51 MB
LangageFrançais & Anglais
ÉditeurHumana Press
CréateurSusan Forward, Craig Buck
Nom de FichierObsessive-Love-When-It-Hurts-Too-Much-to-Let-Go.pdf

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To know I am not alone and other good people have experienced obsessive love addiction gave me so much comfort and hope To separate thoughts from feelings was a real eyeopener This book coupled with talk therapy and grief therapy unexpressed heldin grief from old wounds has been a lifesaver

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↑en Susan Forward et Craig Buck Obsessive Love When It Hurts Too Much to Let Go New York Bantam Books 2002 278 p ISBN 9780553381429

My boyfriend and I argued yesterday we argued about how all of the sudden he wants to hang out wit his cousins ad friends without me being there Its weird because for about the past two years weve been together we always go otu everywhnere together And all of the sudden he wants to ahve his own space which is hard for me to

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